Mark Ruffalo, known for playing the Incredible Hulk in the Avengers movies and being a full time global warming alarmist, has recently come out in protest of a Canadian oil pipeline that will be constructed under the Wet’suwet’en river in Canada. The river is also part of the Wet’suwet’en tribe of Indians, who some have said that if this pipeline is constructed, will destroy their environment. Ruffalo naturally came to their defense with hyperbole about kids not being able to drink the water, breathe the air, or even go outside anymore. Ruffalo, along with 65 other celebrities including fellow global warming alarmist Leo DiCaprio, are protesting against Royal Canada Bank’s funding of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline construction. Ruffalo also thinks we are headed for mass extinction because of climate change, is a 9/11 truther, and believes in white supremacy, among other things. Mark Ruffalo is nothing short of a hypocrite when it come to climate change, as he and his pals in Hollywood travel around the globe in their fuel guzzling jets, and have their movies shown in countries that are among the biggest polluters of them all.
Another Virtue Signaling Propaganda Campaign

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Georges Biard
Ruffalo is among 65 celebrities who have signed an open letter demanding the Royal Bank of Canada defund the Coastal GasLink pipeline. The Coastal Gaslink pipeline is a 416-mile pipeline that will cut through Wet’suwet’en land, and is allegedly being done without the consent of the Wet’suwet’en heredity Chiefs. The Royal Bank of Canada is not the only financial institution funding the Coastal Gaslink pipeline, but is the one they are focused on first, because it is the parent company of City National Bank, which has been dubbed the bank of the Stars. The only problem with the protest of this pipeline, is that all 20 elected First Nations governments have signed off on the pipeline. Coastal Gaslink has worked with all the First Elected Nations to ensure a collaborative and mutual benefit. This is another virtue signaling propaganda campaign, using the Wet’suwet’en Indians, as the poster child for their climate change false narrative. From Coastal Gaslink’s website:
“We value the culture, lands and traditions of Indigenous groups. That why our team works closely with First Nations communities throughout the life of the project. We’re proud to have signed project agreements with all 20 elected First Nations governments along the approved route. From pipeline concept, construction and operation, our respect for the land, culture and communities guides all of our decisions about Coastal GasLink. Through engagement, we’re able to ensure communities benefit directly from our project. The agreements demonstrate that Indigenous groups can enjoy their heritage and way of life while participating in economic benefits from Coastal GasLink, and also achieve balance with protecting our environment. Our team has signed agreements with all 20 elected First Nations governments along the route including: Stellat’en First Nation, Saik’uz First Nation, McLeod Lake Indian Band, Saulteau First Nations, Kitselas First Nation, West Moberly First Nations, Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Nadleh Whut’en Indian Band, Burns Lake Indian Band (Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation), Blueberry River First Nations, Halfway River First Nation, Doig River First Nation, Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Cheslatta Carrier Nation, Yekooche First Nation, Nee Tahi Buhn Indian Band, Skin Tyee First Nation, Witset First Nation, Nak’azdli Whut’en and Haisla Nation.”
They Are All Hypocrites
If celebrities like Mark Ruffalo actually believed in their cause, why are they flying around the globe in their gas guzzling jets? Why are Mark Ruffalo,

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Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Stiller, Scarlett Johannson, and Robert Downey Jr., not protesting against China, who is the biggest polluter on the planet? Because they all benefit monetarily from the distribution of their movies. Why aren’t these same celebrities protesting Putin’s Nord Stream pipeline, or oil being pumped in the Middle East? All of those locations have some of the dirtiest and unsafe drilling practices on the planet. This is why celebrities are not taken seriously by anybody. They don’t actually put their money where their mouth is. They are serious enough to bad mouth our country, but clam up when countries like China are involved, for fear of retribution that might affect their pocket book.
Mark Got the Prediction Right, But the Person to Blame Wrong
Mark Ruffalo is nothing more than a talking head who spews nonsense. This actor thinks the World Trade Center was an inside job because buildings can’t possibly fall the way they did, he thought the Zeka virus outbreak from 2016 was caused by a pesticide, rather than a mosquito, and thinks Hollywood has been white supremacist for 100 years. Ruffalo is so concerned about a white dominated Hollywood, that movies and TV shows in which he was executive producer(‘Dark Waters,’ ‘Anything’ and the TV series ‘I Know This Much Is True’), featured a majority white cast. This is also the same guy who defended a child sex offender that was shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In an article from The Independent a couple of years ago, Mark Ruffalo, whether he realizes it or not, predicted the calamity of what is going on in the world today. The difference being that he thought it would be Trump’s fault and not Joe Biden’s.
Related: A Nuclear Iran is Bad For Everyone
“Most people don’t realise what’s coming. Countries are freaking out about Syrians coming, a few thousand Syrians. We are approaching mass extinctions, food systems failing, hundreds of millions of displaced people looking for places that are hospitable.” He pauses, breathes. “In my country, half of the political system doesn’t believe in [climate change], in science. I’m inviting the rest of the world to get involved in our next election, because the fate of the world is in the f***ing balance. And you can print that.”
Well Mark, we’ve got wars, displaced human beings trying to find a new home, rampant inflation, the highest gas prices ever, and food shortages all over the globe. Who are you blaming now, because all I hear are crickets.
We come together to mourn the lives lost to the same racist system that devalues Black lives and devalued the lives of Anthony and JoJo. #ReimagineKenosha
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 19, 2021