The first official trailer for the new installment of the Matrix franchise has dropped, and it doesn’t look terrible. From this first trailer it looks like a rehash of the original Matrix with a new cast assuming the roles of the original cast. ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ comes out December 22nd and looks to be as potentially action packed as the previous three. I know that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement but until we get more trailers, with more information, that’s about as good as it’s going to get. The trailer starts out with Neo, as his John Anderson persona, discussing dreams of an alternate reality with his psychiatrist played by Neal Patrick Harris. We see shots of John Anderson start to question all that is around him just like in the first Matrix, but in this trailer it would appear that he is more readily accepting of this other reality. We see images that are remnant of the original Matrix movie in which we see a book of Alice and Wonderland, a scene where Neo has to follow the White Rabbit, and a character reminiscent of Morpheus offering Neo a red pill. What we also see is a Neo we should have seen in Reloaded and Revolutions. In the two sequels it was apparent that Neo mysteriously lost the supremacy he had with his powers from the original Matrix I.E. his ability to stop bullets etc. In ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ trailer it appears we see a very powerful Neo dismantling his enemies with ease. If anything, ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ looks like a good popcorn flick but we will have to wait and see where Lana Wachowski’s vision takes us this time. But, like so many bad sequels, do we really need another Matrix movie?
Why a Fourth Installment?
I get nervous when I see creators and studios revisiting a successful franchise and think there’s more story to tell. The Terminator franchise, Ghostbusters 2016, ‘Mummy: The Tomb of the Emperor Dragon’, ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, I could go on and on but you get the point. Granted this is Lana Wachowski’s creation and she can do whatever she likes, I’m just wondering what’s left to be said that wasn’t said in the original trilogy. Neo sacrificed himself to save humanity. That seems to be a very solid ending to a great story. Did Lana Wachowski, feel the need to make up for ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ and ‘The Matrix Revolutions’? They were both fun movies but could have been made into one movie that would have made just as much sense. I won’t lie, I am extremely curious to see where it goes and I’m also excited to see Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss as Neo and Trinity one more time. At the very least, it looks like it might be a fun sci-fi fantasy romp that will keep the audience entertained.
Do Not Ruin The Original Matrix
Don’t get me wrong, I love the Matrix universe and didn’t mind seeing everything that that world had to offer. I’m just praying that there is a point to making this 4th installment and it doesn’t ruin what was made previously. Specifically, the original Matrix movie. I’m hoping they don’t do what Marvel did with ‘Loki’ and basically wipe out any significance the Avengers had in the Marvel universe or have an Infinity stone moment that negates their threat. You know, like blame the entirety of the worlds ills on Neo making the original hero now the villain. The original Matrix movie is a cinematic masterpiece and needs to be left alone. Let us also hope that ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ stays away from the identity politics that so many other franchises have felt the need to force into well established stories. My guess is that Lana Wachowski will somehow get her revenge for conservative fans utilizing the “red pill” metaphor. Hopefully, Lana Wachowski and ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ can just keep us entertained for two hours without any overt SJW lectures.
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