It looks like New York governor Kathy Hochul had her Hilary Clinton basket of deplorable moment. Kathy Hochul effectively told 5.4 million republicans to get out of New York State and take a bus to Florida, because they don’t represent NY values. A bad move for Hochul, and a bad move from a governor who has shown she’s just Andrew Cuomo 2.0, and in some instances even worse. New Yorkers had better wake up and realize that this governor is playing ball with the extreme left of the democrat party, with green new deal initiatives, social justice diversity and inclusion politics, and an enabling criminal justice system that has seen New York become one of the worst states to live in. Not to mention, she has been just as non-transparent, if not more, than her predecessor when it comes to the sweet deals she has given her donors. This governor is as radical as they come, and if New Yorkers vote her into office in November, we’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg with how suffocating it will be to live in New York.
Leave the State Because We Don’t Need You
Last Thursday, Kathy Hochul, at a rally in Kingston with Democratic congressional candidate Pat Ryan, basically told those New Yorkers that agreed with the politics of Lee Zeldin and President Trump, to go pound sand and leave the state.
“We are fighting for democracy. We’re fighting to bring government back to the people and out of the hands of dictators. We’re here to say that era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. OK? Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values. You’re not New Yorkers, because we come from a long line of people who fought for women’s rights that happened here first.”
Whatever that last part meant. Was that a throw away line? Can Hochul define what a woman even is? Regardless, that’s rich coming from a governor who has still decreed herself emergency powers by renewing a state of emergency because we’re apparently still in a pandemic…even though most covid restrictions have been lifted. She also claimed in that statement, to want to give government back to the people. Does she mean the same government that went against the wishes of her constituents when they voted down the ballot propositions of mail in voting and redistricting? Because that’s exactly what Kathy Hochul did. She used the pandemic as an excuse to allow universal mail in balloting through 2022, and unconstitutionally signed off on the democratically led legislature to redistrict New York’s counties. That sounds very dictatorial to me, but what do I know right?
Related: The Term “Inmate” Hurts Feelings

Hochul is Just Andrew Cuomo 2.0
In a state where people are leaving in droves, you would think Hochul might want to be a unifier, instead of a divider. With all of her green new initiatives that will stifle New York’s economy, vaccine mandates coming down the pike if she is elected, unfettered crime that will make New York City look like ‘Escape From New York’, and pay to play schemes running rampant in Hochul’s administration(Buffalo Bill’s new stadium anyone?), Hochul can’t afford to have more New Yorkers leave the state. New York is already bleeding money, and telling 5.4 million republicans that help fuel New York’s economy, was probably not the smartest choice of words. Hochul also can’t run away from the fact that she was part of the previous administration that helped fuel the ongoing exodus, with stifling taxes that are the worst in the country and oppressive covid mandates. Lee Zeldin should be playing Hochul’s declaration of wanting republicans who support him or Trump to leave New York, 24/7 in ads across the state. Polls don’t look good for Lee Zeldin right now, but with Zeldin getting backing from some democrats, and independents swinging his way, Zeldin just might be able to squeak out a win, and bring back fiscal sanity and safety to a state that desperately needs it.