New York State governor Kathy Hochul is ignoring the voters…again, and it looks like it’s going to be a precedent that she continues to follow. Along with a ridiculous, arbitrary mask mandate that is unenforceable, Hochul has decided that she is going to push for a ‘no questions asked’ mail in ballot, for all New Yorkers. Mail in Balloting was resoundingly defeated last month, when it was on the ballot for a constitutional amendment, but that doesn’t matter to Hochul…voters be damned. Just like Andrew Cuomo before her, she is going to push through her agenda no matter what it takes.
New Yorkers Have the Right to Vote?
Governor Hochul stated that she was going to unveil her agenda for 2022 during state address on January fifth. Mail in balloting for all New Yorkers will be a part of that agenda. Hochul claims that there is a need for the mail in balloting because New York has made it to difficult for New Yorkers to vote.
“I want New York State to be a leader, we have not been a leader in the past. We have made it too hard to vote…I believe that everyone should be able to vote by mail. I’ll be working with all my partners to come up with a very bold and ambitious plan to make sure New Yorkers have the right.”
What do I address first? New York has been a leader in the past. I seem to remember a great time 20 years ago when there was a semblance of normalcy under Governor George Pataki and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. And, how is it hard to vote? And how do New Yorkers not have the right? You get up on Election Day, drive yourself, walk, or take mass transit to your local polling place. You don’t need to show ID, just say who you are, and if you’re on the rolls, then you can vote. So basically, if you have a heart beat and can fog up a mirror, then you’re good to go in New York State. Hochul’s wording is very clever, and aims to make the point that some New Yorkers don’t have the right to vote because they can’t do it by mail. New Yorkers overwhelmingly rejected universal vote by mail and same day registration last month, and that should be abided by. This is nothing more than a power grab to keep New York in the Democrats hands.
Kathy Hochul Will Ignore the Voters
Kathy Hochul Is set to put forth an agenda that coincides with the radical Democratic Party, and will only further destroy a state that’s economically cratering. New York State is a red state. If you look election after election on how New Yorker’s vote, other than New York City, the state is red and is entirely ignored, because of the population of one city. The voters voiced their opinion on mail in voting last month, but Kathy Hochul will ignore those voices in favor of a political party’s agenda. New York needs to get a Ron DeSantis like candidate to run against Hochul next November, and the GOP party needs to ante up now. If they don’t, New York will more than likely end up like California, where the state is run by a corrupt single party that doesn’t represent the majority of the state.
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