New York State is prioritizing non-white people with anti-viral treatments such as Paxlovid and monoclonal antibodies. Because of the shortage in supply of these effective treatments, due to the ineptness of the Biden administration, the New York State Department of Health will prioritize these treatments, to those that have a medical condition or risk factors that make them more susceptible to getting moderate to severe Covid. Those risk factors include being non-white because of systemic social and health inequities. Non-white people only please. The statement also states that the shortage in these supplies is due to the surge in Omicron variant which accounts for 90% of all Covid cases in New York State…a State that has some of the most stringent Covid mandates, and where there is a 70% full vaccination rate.
Oral antiviral treatment is authorized for patients who meet all the following criteria:
- Age 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg (88 pounds) for Paxlovid, or 18 years and older for molnupiravir
- Test positive for SARS-CoV-2 on a nucleic acid amplification test or antigen test; results from an FDA-authorized home-test kit should be validated through video or photo but, if not possible, patient attestation is adequate
- Have mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms
o PatientcannotbehospitalizedduetosevereorcriticalCOVID-19 - Able to start treatment within 5 days of symptom onset
- Have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness.Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19
There's a word for discrimination by skin color in medical treatment
— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) December 31, 2021
New York State is Run by Tyrants
The New York State Department of health, released its discriminatory plan a couple of days ago, and is just another example of how we have biased politicians, making decisions based on their ideology. New York needs a common sense conservative governor now to thwart these tyrants we have running the State. In response to backlash the health department received online, they stated that they were merely following guidance from the CDC. Well, the CDC isn’t biased at all is it? If you go to the CDC website and search for longstanding systemic health and social inequities, you will be brought down a rabbit hole of leftwing partisanship. This one sided kind of analysis should not be allowed in a government run and funded department. Especially one that deals with people’s health, and especially when it comes to the distribution of life saving medicine. In an article by Richard E. Besser, MD, over at the CDC, he clearly thinks that America is racist and that health data systems need to be transformed to reflect structural racism in America.
“One of the most sobering statistics of the pandemic arrived this summer: Black and Latino people in the U.S. experienced a 2.9- and 3-year decline in life expectancy, respectively, in 2020, compared with a 1.2-year decline for White people. This was all too predictable at the dawn of the pandemic. Systemic and structural racism have cemented inequities into America’s foundation, and the repercussions play out cruelly during periods of both crisis and calm.”
He goes on further to say that the pandemic has exposed racism, and that transforming our health data systems will help create an equitable society.
“Covid-19 has once again exposed how racism and where one lives determine, to a large degree, a person’s life trajectory in America. It has shined a critical light on the need to radically transform our public health data systems if we truly want to create an equitable society. Data systems that only document racial health disparities without measuring the inequities and racism that fuel them contribute to the problem. This failure results in the misperception that health disparities are biological or primarily behavioral rather than caused by the structures and systems of an inequitable society.”
Freedom and Capitalism Will Help Those That Need It
It is absolutely astonishing to me that people actually think like this. America was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Which means you are responsible for your lot in life, and the only one that can shape where you end up… is you. Sure, there are those that need our help because they are physically incapable of providing for themselves, and that’s why America is great…because we do help those in need. We are the single most charitable country in the world. A free country based on capitalism is the perfect recipe for success…not equity. We tried that once…it didn’t work. You lose creativity, innovation, and individuality. One of the main reasons we have such a disparity in wealth in this country, is because of government, not because of a left wing made up systemic racism. Systemic racism is thrown out there in the ether sphere without any real facts or evidence to support it. What any American in this country does have, however, is a boatload of opportunity…if you just put your mind to it. Who in this country is preventing anyone from bettering their circumstances? I could say the government does, as it doles out welfare checks, food stamps, and stimulus checks, and makes a large portion of the population dependent on the hand outs.
Equity Guidance is Racism
The New York State Department of Health is peddling racism, and blaming their antiviral dispersal guidance, on a radical left ideology promoted and encouraged by the CDC. Even if they do believe in this farce and failed theory of social equity, why state it in their distribution guidance? Because all the left knows how to do is promote hate and division. Where does Governor Kathy Hochul stand on this? Has she come out and defended it? She probably will. Kathy Hochul is as left as they come, and New York better watch out because it’s just going to get worse. And to top that, she will probably win her election in November because the very right of center state is run by 8 million New York City residents.
Related: An Epidemic of the Vaccinated
One Response
Unbelievable, informative a good read