Chris Evans, Kevin Feige, and those at Disney have no understanding of what America truly stands for. They, spit on its history and those they disagree with politically, with the very freedoms living in America entitles them to. But because they have a warped sense of the founding and intent of this great country, they feel it’s their mission to appropriate a fan elevated symbol of America, and pervert it into something more representative of their woke values. According to a new rumor from, Marvel is so concerned that Captain America has been “stolen” by conservatives, that they want to have Chris Evans return to the role, so they can specifically distance the character from the pro-America stance that Captain America is famous for…making him more neutral so he can acknowledge the negatives of America. Wonderful news. An America bashing Captain America…makes sense.
An Insult to What Captain America Stands For
All of this is pure speculation of course, and might turn out to be just what it is…a rumor. That would be the best case scenario, but given Marvel and Disney’s penchant for bending the knee to a temper tantrum’d minority, and everything that has come out of Marvel since ‘Avengers Endgame’, would we be all that surprised if they made Captain America anti-America? Not one bit. If however, it indeed turns out to be true, it is a slight against America, a slight against Jack “King” Kirby, a slight to all those that fought so valiantly in world war II, and it’s a slight against any patriot and fan who calls America home, and is proud to wear the famous red, white, and blue colored Captain America shield on a t-shirt. Captain America is a symbol for all Americans, whichever side of the political aisle you land on. If you don’t like Captain America because he represents a point of view you don’t share, well that’s fine too…you don’t have to read or watch him, and can move on to some woke piece of YA novel that suits your tastes better.
Another Possible Epic Fail for Kevin Feige…if the Rumor is True
Corporations like Disney, unfortunately, feel that they are somehow the arbiters of what should be in pop culture, when in fact it’s always been the other way around. The fans have always dictated what is popular and what is not…hence the name “Pop” culture. Fans’ pop culture is now “co-opted” culture, and has nothing to do with what the fans want. Instead, corporations like Disney and Amazon are dictating what we should like, and it’s failing miserably. ‘Rings of Power’ anyone? These idiots over at Disney and Marvel are just angering and alienating half of their audience with this woke nonsense. Not to mention that that half are the ones that spend the money on your box office tickets and merchandise. So keep playing games with our popculture. Eventually the money will run out and fans will be turning away from your brands. In addition, if this rumor turns out to be true, Marvel might just force Disney into a political limelight that it has been trying to avoid since the whole parental rights in education bill fiasco. Disney by proxy, would be telling patriots across the country, that one of your beloved symbols of America, Captain America, really has a problem with America and what it stands for. Sounds like a recipe for another epic fail of a TV show or movie. Did Marvel not learn from ‘Falcon and the Winter Soldier’, a very politically charged show, when Anthony Mackie’s Captain America told us all to do better?
Related: Aquaman 2 Sounds Boring

Credit – Elen Nivrae WikiMedia Commons
Captain America ‘is’ America First and Always Has Been
To add to the dumpster fire that would be an anti-American Captain America, Chris Evans, who arguably is the best portrayal of Captain America we’ve ever seen, is rumored to have said that he is “keen to work on such a project because he loathes the portrayal of Captain America as an America first superhero”. Does Chris Evans even know Captain America’s origins? He did read the script to ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’, right? Steve Rogers was always America first. Why does that have to be a bad thing? Well, because Chris Evans is a celebrity elite, who preaches from his righteous perch, while he enjoys the fruits of the freedom loving capitalist country that the United States is. The character of Captain America has defended those values and freedoms time and time again, and should be looked to for inspiration and hope, not as something to be frowned upon and shown in a negative light. But again, this is all speculation and rumor as Chris Evans himself even said back in June on a D23 podcast, that he would be very cautious about reprising the character of Steve Rogers, as it was important to him professionally and personally.
“No, I don’t think so. I mean it was a really unbelievable ride and the character’s just so dear to me and I’m just so precious with it. To return to the role, I mean the truth is, the role isn’t even mine anymore. The role is Anthony Mackie’s. So, you know, even if there was a different incarnation, not as Captain America, but you know for Steve Rogers, even that would feel… I’d be very cautious, just because I love that chapter of my life professionally, personally. I love what those movies accomplished and to revisit it and potentially have some weird extension to that legacy would be upsetting if it didn’t land. So it would require a near-perfect recipe and it may just not be in the cards.”
The Fans Deserve for Kevin Feige, Disney, and Chris Evans to Leave Captain America Alone
I stand with pride and hold my hand or hat to my heart when I hear the Star-Spangled Banner, and unabashedly get emotional at the privilege I have of living in this great country called The United States. But apparently Marvel and Kevin Feige feel the need to rewrite a more sensitive Captain America that is one with the lefts sentiment of Anti-American. Maybe they can draw upon the recent entries that showed us a Cap that was one with Antifa, who worked with Hydra, and questioned the American dream. Kevin Feige’s track record of success has been non-existent of late, with failure after failure at the box office and on Disney Plus. If the rumors are true, maybe Bob Chapek can put his foot down on this idea of a Captain America bashing America, and give one to the fans. I think they deserve it.