New York state’s governor race, might indeed be the bell weather for how this coming mid term elections will fare for democrats. The damage democrats have caused all across the country has been self inflicted and purposeful. They have made fossil fuels the enemy, spent money like drunken sailors, made a mockery of foreign diplomacy and our military, allowed crime to run rampant in blue states, and have led us into a recession with high food and gas prices stifling Americans everywhere. New York State is a microcosm of what’s happening in the rest of the country, and if Lee Zeldin can win in blue New York, even closely contested democrat strongholds will fall. If Lee Zeldin can actually buck the trend, and win against a Kathy Hochul regime, which is nothing more than an extension of Andrew Cuomo’s pay for play tactics, tyrannical Covid mandates, high crime, and high taxes in a blue state like New York, then there won’t be a red wave across the United States, there will be a democrat extinction level event that will render the democrat party irrelevant.
One Party Rule Has Destroyed New York
The last time New York State elected a republican governor was 20 years ago. That was also the beginning of the decline for New York State and New York City. 20 years ago, New York City was touted as one of the safest big cities in the world. Now New York City is a shadow of its former self, with crime rates hitting record levels, and New Yorkers who are afraid to walk down the street or take the subway, in fear of being randomly attacked or shoved onto subway tracks. New York State itself, is among the most expensive places to live in the country, with some of the most suffocating tax rates that have seen a mass exodus in the last few years in the hundreds of thousands. Top that with a soft on crime governor whose only response to the daily violent crimes occurring around the state, are questions about why Lee Zeldin cares so much about cashless bail reform, or out of touch responses to New Yorkers fears with data about murders and gun control, and you have an example of another blue state that is in shambles thanks to one party rule.
Related: Out of Touch
Kathy Hochul is More of the Same New York Doesn’t Need
Kathy Hochul is wrong for New York State, and was anointed the governorship because of a radical democrat’s sex scandal. New Yorkers need to remember that Kathy Hochul was a part of Andrew Cuomo’s regime. She has been there throughout all the legislative tax increases, the dictatorial Covid mandates, cashless bail reform, pay for play, etc…and did nothing to speak against those things that have helped New York State become one of the most burdensome places to live. Now she wants to be officially elected to continue those same policies, and even add more to further cripple New Yorkers. For example, Kathy Hochul and her democrat super majority in the legislature, have bills ready to be signed on day one of a Kathy Hochul regime that would mandate covid vaccines for all public school entry, would allow a school nurse to administer a covid vaccine to your child with a parents consent for children 14 and up, would declare “systemic racism” a public health crisis, would add on to her already stifling climate change initiatives and penalize businesses, and a bill that would aim to undue years of “racial inequities”. That’s just a small sampling of the agenda Kathy Hochul and a democrat led legislature want to focus on, rather than the table top issues that are important to everyday New Yorkers…you know like heating bills, food prices, crime, and high taxes.
If Lee Zeldin Wins in New York, It Will be a Domino Effect Across the Country
When George Pataki was elected governor in 1994, New York State and the city were going through much of the same problems, although I would argue in some ways it’s much worse today, and George Pataki was elected overwhelmingly even though he was an under dog in the polls right up until Election Day. Lee Zeldin has all the momentum right now, and there have been polls that have shown him tied or even ahead. Real Clear Politics even has New York as a toss up. This momentum is being felt throughout the country, with a lot of pundits arguing, that this years midterms will be a political seismic shift to the right in the electorate. States like Nevada, Oregon, New York, Michigan, and even Washington, which have been reliably blue, could possibly elect republican governors for the first time in decades. Americans are sick and tired of what the democrats have been shoveling over the last several years. The election of Joe Biden in 2020 in some ways, was a Godsend. It opened the eyes of average Americans to a radical agenda from the democrats fueled on socialist steroids. Democrats thought they could get away with it, and felt empowered to stuff climate change, high inflation, high crime, high taxes, more spending, and a covid shutdown down Americans throats. Because of this, we saw a thriving economy just two years ago, completely wiped out by Joe Biden’s radical agenda. If Lee Zeldin can win in New York State on Tuesday, it will send a red tidal wave throughout the rest of the country the likes we haven’t seen in decades.