New York State governor Kathy Hochul, is looking more and more like Joe Biden did in 2020, as she hides and dodges questions about out of control crime in New York and debating her opponent, Republican Lee Zeldin. She tells New Yorkers that they’ll have to wait and see what her position is on bail reform after she’s elected, and does nothing more than acknowledge she’s looking forward to debating Zeldin. Sure Hochul has made some ceremonial appearances and “tough” talk on crime, but they are no more than puff pieces, aimed at making her image look appealing to her constituents. Constituents that are getting more and more fed up with the lack of action on Hochul’s part on everything from the economy to high crime rates. Hochul dodging a commitment to Lee Zeldin to a debate 9 weeks out of the general election, not answering or getting any tough questions, and lack of focus on any of the real issues, just proves Hochul’s insincerity, and shows New Yorkers that she’s not up to the task of actually governing.
Kathy Hochul Will Not Govern to What Her Constituents Need
Kathy Hochul dodged a question from the New York Post at a Brooklyn parade, when asked about when she would debate Lee Zeldin, has raised taxes by 4 billion dollars last year, adding to the mass exodus of businesses and residents, has done nothing to abate a 6.1% unemployment rate compared to the nation’s 3.7%, and instead has focused on getting rid of anything run by fossil fuels in a decades time, has ignored high crime rates that are a direct result of Hochul’s inaction on the horrible bail reform laws, and instead, has told New Yorkers to just wait until after she’s crowned governor to see how she will handle said bail reform. Hochul has been coasting for the last year, counting on her democrat, big money cronies to help get her elected, and has wholly ignored the wishes of her constituents. All New York voters need do, is look at how Hochul ignored election ballot proposals that were shot down this past November by New York voters, in favor of what she thought best, to see how she would respect what New Yorkers want.
Hochul is Too Comfortable and That Will be Her Downfall
Kathy Hochul, in my opinion, has felt a little too comfortable with her assumption that she will be the presumptive winner in November. She’s received big money donations from celebrity elites and other entities that would either benefit from a radical Hochul administration, or are all in on green new deal like initiatives Hochul has laid out for New York State. Sure Hochul has the big money war chest, but in a recent Trafalgar group poll, Hochul is only leading Zeldin by 4 points. With a margin of error of 2.9%, and 6.7% that were polled undecided, that is great news for Lee Zeldin who was trailing as much as 24 points just a month ago. The average New Yorker, is not a celebrity or real estate mogul elite that can withstand the suffocating economy, or can afford armed security to protect themselves from a mugging, beating, or other random crime. The average New Yorker has had enough of the big grandiose speeches, and want to see action. And not the kind of action Hochul thinks will win her votes like banning concealed carry owners from conceal carrying almost anywhere in the state, because of a knee jerk tantrum to the Supreme Court defending a New Yorker’s right to defend themselves, or acting “tough” in a televised press conference in reaction to a man randomly being critically sucker punched in broad daylight by a repeat felon.
Related: Hochul Needs to be Defeated
Make Kathy Hochul a Fleeting Memory of Misery
The momentum is on Zeldin’s side, from New Yorker’s who have had enough of the big government overreach and suffocating that has seen New Yorkers leave the state in droves because of stifling taxes, inflation, unemployment, and high crime. He has the backing of former President Donald Trump, is supported by the New Era Democrats, and has a laser focused plan to tackle crime, the economy, and high taxes in New York. So, while Kathy Hochul pretends to be tough, evades debates with Lee Zeldin because she would have to answer the tough questions, ignores out of control crime in her state, pops up for ceremonial puff piece events, like announcing the breaking of ground on terminal 1 at JFK airport, makes grandiose speeches about climate change and reducing New York’s fossil fuel dependency, and tells New Yorkers that support Donald Trump to leave the state, Lee Zeldin will actually be talking about the real issues that are affecting New Yorkers. If Zeldin stays on message, and continues to attack Hochul on her radical record and plans for New York, he just might have a shot at being the next governor of New York State, making Kathy Hochul all but a fleeting memory of misery.