The Democrats and their radical left propagandists, truly don’t care a bit about America’s security, and are not afraid to hide it anymore. In an absolute slap in the face to America’s sovereignty, a group of illegal aliens…that’s right…ILLEGAL, have filed a lawsuit against Texas officials, claiming they have been over-incarcerated, arrested based on race, immigration status, or national origin, as well as denied due process. You truly can’t make any of this up. Non-citizens, who have broken our laws, are suing a State because of a violation of their fourth and fourteenth amendment rights. Lawyers for the plaintiffs, are suing for $18,000 per day for each inmate that is found to have been unlawfully incarcerated or unlawfully reincarcerated. Illegal aliens suing Texas is just more evidence that our border problem is out of control. But hey, according to Joe Biden apparently, the border isn’t broken, it’s just free and open for everyone to walk across. So why not expect illegal aliens to enjoy the benefits, freedoms, and liberties of all Americans.
Now The United States is Racist Against Illegal Aliens
The group of illegal aliens are suing, as a result of Texas’ Operation Lonestar Program, that was instituted back in March of 2021, to initially intercept smuggling operations, and then was expanded in June of 2021, to arrest trespassers on private and State land. The lawyers for the plaintiffs have stated that OLS is in violation of illegal aliens fourth and fourteenth amendments, and is targeting illegal immigrants based on race.
“In particular, the Plaintiffs and the Class Members have suffered a common cause of injury, namely the violation of their Fourth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights.”
“Using state criminal law, the state of Texas and participating counties have created, and are carrying out what is, in reality, a system of state immigration enforcement that targets Black and Brown—primarily Latino—individuals for prosecution and enhanced punishment.”
Related: Biden Defends Freedom…Except in America
Liberal Media Propaganda Not Based in Law or fact
What a joke. According to Kinney County, Texas attorney Brent Smith, the lawsuit reads more like liberal media propaganda that isn’t based in any kind of law or fact, and that if you’re breaking the law, you’re going to get arrested.
“It reads more like the liberal media propaganda than something based in actual law and fact.”
“Nowhere in the entire complaint can they point out where we didn’t arrest someone because they were white or non-Hispanic or non-Latino. If you’re breaking the law, you get arrested.”
Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe basically concurred with Smith’s statements on the profiling charge, saying that it’s not profiling, if it’s all Mexicans coming across the border.
“It’s kind of hard to profile when a) you can’t see inside the vehicles, everybody has tinted windows. And b) it’s hard to profile when you’re sitting there waiting for somebody to show up and a group of 10 shows up and they’re all Mexicans. So how is that profiling? We’re protecting citizens, we’re protecting landowners, so I don’t really see it going anywhere, but we’ll see what happens.”
If You Enter The United States Illegally, You’re Breaking the Law, It’s Pretty Simple
Texas being sued for trying to protect their borders and citizens from threats from illegal aliens, is an affront to the sovereignty, not only of the State of Texas, but the United States as a whole. And then to claim that these illegals breaking our laws, is a violation of their fourth and fourteenth amendments, is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. They are non-citizens of this country who walked in and broke our laws. No one asked them to do that. They made the choice to break our laws. Usually when someone breaks the law, they face the punishment. That’s exactly what Texas is doing. It’s not racist, discriminatory, or in violation of constitutional amendments they are not entitled to. It sounds pretty straightforward and simple.
The United States Can’t Afford 2 Million Illegal Aliens Crossing the Border Every Year
This lawsuit is just further proof that Joe Biden and his administration, including the feckless Alejandro Mayorkas, are hell bent on destroying this country’s sovereignty. They have allowed the southern border chaos to manifest into something untenable, that is taking its toll on Texans, and the rest of the country. The United States cannot physically afford over 2 million illegals coming into this country every year. It places undue financial stress on every American citizen. This lawsuit is just as ridiculous as the Biden administration wanting to give illegals who were separated at the border $450,000 each. How about taking care of every American who is suffering from high inflation, high gas prices, food shortages, and out of control crime, here in the States first. Ron Ewart, nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues, was quoted as saying that illegal aliens enjoy more rights than Americans do that obey our laws.
“If illegal aliens can break our laws and get rewarded for it, if illegal aliens have more rights than the taxpayers that pay the billions of dollars to support illegal immigration, then there is no law and we become a de facto lawless nation without borders and without sovereignty.” ~ Ron Ewart
This lawsuit will be another small nail of many, in the absolute catastrophic defeat the Democrats will face in November. Keep the stupid up.