It does not get any better than this. The CDC, on January 20th, released a study that stated that natural immunity provided better protection against the Covid virus than vaccines. You don’t say? Natural immunity? I’m not a scientist, but I could have told you that, and so did a plethora of other studies from other countries. The study diagnosed hospitalization rates, during the Delta surge, among four different groups of people aged 18 and up. What the study found was that hospitalization rates among those that were previously infected with Covid, but were unvaccinated, had the lowest rate of hospitalization. With that study, and the actual total deaths from Covid now in question at the CDC, it looks like Covid might be just as severe or deadly as your average Flu season. With Joe Biden losing on all fronts with the pandemic and his unconstitutional vaccine mandates, it would seem that the Biden administration needs to make an unavoidable choice soon.
Natural Immunity is More Potent Than a Covid Vaccine
According to the CDC’s study, those infected prior to the Delta surge, that were unvaccinated and didn’t have a prior Covid infection, had the highest rates of hospitalization. But, as the Delta surge continued, those that were unvaccinated and had a previous Covid infection began to have much lower rates of hospitalization than those that were vaccinated.
“Before Delta became the predominant variant in June, case rates were higher among persons who survived a previous infection than persons who were vaccinated alone. By early October, persons who survived a previous infection had lower case rates than persons who were vaccinated alone.”
“In the pre-Delta period during June 13–June 26, for example, compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization rates were 27.7-fold lower (95% CI = 22.4–33.0) among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, 6.0-fold lower (95% CI = 3.3–8.7) among unvaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, and 7.1-fold lower (95% CI = 4.0–10.3) among vaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis. However, this pattern also shifted as the Delta variant became predominant. During October 3–16, compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization rates were 19.8-fold lower (95% CI = 18.2–21.4) among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, 55.3-fold lower (95% CI = 27.3–83.3) among unvaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, and 57.5-fold lower (95% CI = 29.2–85.8) among vaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis.”
“Among the two cohorts with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, no consistent incidence gradient by time since the previous diagnosis was observed (Supplementary Figure 3, When the vaccinated cohorts were stratified by the vaccine product received, among vaccinated persons without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis, the highest incidences were observed among persons receiving the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), followed by Pfizer-BioNTech, then Moderna vaccines (Supplementary Figure 4, No pattern by product was observed among vaccinated persons with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis.”
146 Studies State That Natural Immunity is Better Than Vaccine
The CDC of course, is still saying arbitrarily in these studies, that the Covid vaccines are the better option in your fight against Covid. In a great article at the Brownstone Institute, for example, they are 146 separate studies that state natural immunity is at least equal to or, in some cases, more potent than getting the vaccine. For example, the article states that the CDC recognizes natural immunity for such viruses as Chicken pox, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, but does not recognize it for Covid 19…why? It also questions in the article why the CDC isn’t recommending an ant-bodies test, to determine how effective your natural immunity would be, before getting a jab that might affect those natural anti-bodies. It’s worth a thorough reading, and debunks a lot of the misinformation from our Federal government and the CDC.
It’s Over…Let the Pandemic Go
It’s becoming more and more apparent, that the Biden administration and the CDC are peddling fake news to perpetuate a fear of this virus, that will be just as prevalent as the Flu. With the CDC looking at a possible readjustment of actual Covid deaths in the United States, from those that died with Covid to those that died from Covid, we might see a substantial drop, and could be potentially closer to that of the yearly Flu. In addition, with countries like Britain cancelling all of their mandates, Joe Biden and these blue state governors are going to look foolish if they keep the Covid pandemic charade up. If they don’t give it up, it will just hurt them in the long run, and especially at the ballot box. Joe Biden has lost almost all of his tyrannical vaccine mandate bids from the Supreme Court on down, and it looks like they will be stopped for good. Some common sense companies like Starbuck’s are also taking away their vaccine mandates for employees, and that shows signs of a country that is getting sick and tired of trying to be controlled for the past two years. Enough is enough…it’s over.
Related: A Weapon to Propagandize