So, if you break our laws, and enter our country illegally, you don’t have to be tested for Coronavirus and you are not mandated to get a vaccine. If you come across our southern border illegally, you’ll get resettled, on our tax dollars, to any number of states across the country. And, if you broke our laws and came into the country illegally, you are now going to be paid upwards of $450,000 each because you were allegedly treated inhumanely by our government. That’s right, according to a new Wall Street journal exclusive report, illegal aliens that crossed the border and had children separated from their families, under President Trump’s zero tolerance policy, will be able to file lawsuits and receive compensation for the way they were treated via a taxpayer payout. You just can’t make this stuff up.
Payouts Could Reach the Billions of Dollars
The departments of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, and Justice, are currently working out the amount of payments each family would receive, but it might end up, that each family would receive 1 million dollars.
“The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.”
A number of families are currently being represented by the ACLU and The American Civil Liberties Union. There have been a total of 940 cases filed so far, and reports are that the payouts could reach the billions of dollars.
People Make a Choice When They Break Our Laws
The Trump era, zero tolerance policy, basically apprehended those crossing into the country illegally and asylum seekers, and then proceeded to separate children from their parents in an effort to curb the illegal entry into the United States. The policy was eventually stopped but it did produce results. The various agencies representing the illegal families, said that the manner in which they were treated, after being captured at the border, will have long lasting psychological effects. Come on, man. Those that crossed our borders illegally, made the choice to do so. We did not force them and now they want compensation for breaking our laws. And…the Biden administration is going to give those illegal aliens our tax dollars! If I crossed the border into Mexico illegally, do you know what I would get? A jail sentence, physical abuse, and dysentery, just to name just a few of the maladies I would have to look forward to. I definitely would not be compensated for my troubles. Our government is so ass backwards, that it treats criminals better than its own citizens.
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