It’s Constitution Day?

It's Constitution Day?
James Monroe, James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams

Today is Constitution Day and a great reminder of the founding of our great Republic.  But rather than celebrate the great achievement that is the Constitution, the main stream media ignores it with barely a blip on any Google search.  Instead, Google has chosen to celebrate a Japanese bio chemist named Michiyo Tsujimura who is known for her ground breaking research on the nutritional benefits of green tea.  Huh?  I’m sure that sounds interesting, but we’re talking about the celebration of the Constitution of the United States.  Instead, you have Americans cocking their heads to one side and saying “It’s Constitution Day?”  And even more insulting, is President Joe Biden’s Constitution day and week proclamation on the official site.  In the proclamation, Biden gets political about voting and also panders to women and African- Americans.  Not once does he talk about the sacrifices of the founding fathers.  Why…because that might sound too Patriarchal.

For more than two centuries, women and men have struggled and strived to make good on the promise of our founding document and to expand the promise of America by amending our Constitution in accordance with our growth and progress as a Nation — just as the Framers envisioned they would.  Through Civil War, the fight for universal suffrage, and the heroic non-violent resistance of the Civil Rights Movement — from Seneca Falls to Selma and countless acts of civic bravery beyond — courageous Americans have fought, sacrificed, and changed hearts and minds to deliver the full breadth of human dignity to which our Constitution aspires.  Fully realizing these ideals and attaining justice for all remains an urgent and enduring imperative.

Trump Cared About the Success of This Country and It’s Citizens

You can read the rest of Joe Biden’s proclamation here, but you get the point.  Now, compare that to President Trump’s proclamation last year and it’s night and day.  It was extremely patriotic and was reverent to the power that the Constitution gave to the people.

In the summer of 1787, fifty-five delegates from throughout the fledgling United States gathered at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, intent on erecting a government that would stand the test of time and protect hard‑won freedoms secured during the Revolutionary War.  Two hundred and thirty-three years later, the document they produced — our Constitution — remains the bedrock of our system of government, one rooted in equality under the law and an unyielding commitment to individual liberty.  On this day and during this week, we celebrate our great founding charter as an enduring beacon of freedom and strive toward active citizenship in service of its ideals.

You can read the rest of President Trump’s proclamation here, but he goes onto to talk about the destruction of our history by the desecration of

It's Constitution Day?
President Donald J Trump

monuments and statues.

While freedom-loving Americans rightfully venerate and defend our Constitution, we must also remain cognizant that there are those in our society who wish to tear down our institutions and threaten our sacred constitutional freedoms.  In recent months, statues of great American heroes like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt have been threatened, torn down, defaced, and destroyed.  In cities throughout our country, radical groups have attacked monuments honoring the unrivaled contributions our Founding Fathers made to human freedom.  These groups and individuals are attempting to topple constitutional law and order — the very foundation of self-government — by attacking the Constitution and the integrity of our national heroes, falsely decrying our country and its institutions as evil and unjust.

I think it is lost on some the significance of our founding and the liberties that all Americans enjoy.  Liberties that I think some take for granted and unfortunately will never realize how privileged they are to live in a free society.  I think it would behoove those who choose to destroy our monuments and erase our history to read the history behind America’s founding.  To read about the sacrifices that our founders and citizens made to create a genuine representative republic by and for the people.

Kids These Days Are Not Taught the Real Sacrifice of Our Founding Fathers

Seeds for the forming of the United States started well before the Declaration of Independence and the signing of the Constitution, but were cemented with those two documents.  The Declaration of Independence, signed by 56 of our founding fathers, was a slap in the face to the tyrannical rule of Great Britain over the colonies.  It was a declaration that the people of the 13 colonies were no longer going to take the injustices of an unfair and one sided governance.  As a result, we went to war with Great Britain known as the American Revolution.  Many founding fathers sacrificed their lives for freedom from Great Britain.  Five of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were captured, tortured, and ultimately died at the hands of the British army.  Twelve of the signers had their homes ransacked or burned to the ground, many died serving as they fought in the war, and many many more ended up dying in poverty because of their sacrifices.  Do any kids in k-12 know any of this?  No…they do not.  Do the purple and blue haired whiners, screaming and yelling and complaining about how bad this country is, stop to think about that.  Do they know that they have been given that privilege as a result of the founders’ sacrifices?  Probably not, because that’s not what they are taught.  History today is taught as an afterthought and not something to be reflected on and consumed with patriotic pride.  Rather, we give kids in our schools the choice on whether to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance or not.  We give them safe spaces because they preach intolerance when they are the ones intolerant of opposing points of views…or we give them one page in their history books dedicated to 9/11 without discussing who was to blame because we’re afraid it might offend.

The Constitution Was Written to Prevent Authoritarian Rule

The Constitution was signed on September 17th 1787 and became the law of the land.  The Constitution is the only one of its kind in the whole world.  There is no other country on the planet that has such a form of representative government.  The document itself starts out with “We the people” establishing right off the bat that the United States was firm on its belief in a representative republic.  There is no other country on the planet that can lay claim to this magnificent feat.  And a feat it was.  The Constitution was drafted in 116 days from May 25, 1787 until September 17, 1787, under some of the most drastic conditions and sacrifices of all delegates from the 13 colonies. George Washington presided as president of the Constitutional Convention and on September 17, 1787, with the signing of 39 of our founding fathers, our constitutional republic was born.  It is important that we remember why and how we became a constitutional republic.  The United Sates was formed because of a concern over authoritarian rule from an oppressive government.  Fast forward 234 years later and we have squandered and perverted many of those freedoms first outlined in the Constitution.  senators and representatives go into government to enrich themselves instead of fighting for what the people want.  How many senators and representatives do you know that are millionaires?  That wasn’t the original intent and the power has been severely abused.  We the people, have let our government take more and more power away from the people under the guise of necessity, safety, and security.  The Pandemic is the latest, in our face example, of how tyrannical some states governors have been under the guise of keeping you safe.  Our Federal government is trying to follow suit and getting closer and closer to that line we shouldn’t cross.  Do not ever forget that we are a constitutional republic and that the Federal government runs at the behest of us and not vice versa.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

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